Introduction To The 7 Chakras
Have you heard about chakras? It is not just about tantric massage and not exactly the thing from Japanese cartoons, it is a enegery system inside your body, it is about balance and harmony… Growing up an unusually sensitive child, I was particularly affected by energies transmitted from other people through their thoughts and emotions.
My family environment was considerably tumultuous, judgmental and unloving and I would find myself retreating into my own world, for comfort.
Soon I found little comfort there after spending years absorbing negativity from those around me. I transformed into a fragmented, confused and overall unhappy person.
Fortunately, I had one thing going for me and that was that I was absolutely determined to change the nature of my circumstances by changing how I felt. I began to read books, attend seminars, therapy and even take medication.But nothing really seemed to help me find balance and harmony in my life, until I learned about the energetic system of the body called Chakras.
What Are Chakras?
Before we talk about the chakras, take a minute to just think about the magnificence of your body and its functions. Take the complexity of your digestive system. Food is received via the mouth, where it then enters the stomach is digested and finally eliminated.
This same principle also applies to our energetic body. There is a system of energetic absorption and elimination that have similar functions to those that we are aware of on a physical level. There are 7 major energy centers in the body called the Chakras, meaning “wheel” or “spinning wheel” in Sanskrit.
If you want to learn more, there is a more detailed guide of Chakras I found on Tantric Massage guide.
The 7 Chakras and their function…
Root Chakra is the first chakra, located off the base of the spine, specifically at the perineum (between the genitals and anus). It is symbolized by the color red and it governs survival, primal instincts and self-preservation. When this chakra is out of balance, we sometimes experience fearful emotions and trust-related issues.
Second Or Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel. It is associated with the color orange and is the root of our sexual, emotional and creative nature. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, we may feel overly emotional, anxious and overactive or inactive sexual drive.
Solar Plexus Chakra is the largest of the energy centers. Located between the sternum and the navel, it is yellow in color and is responsible for our feelings of power and our will. It is the force that drives us to act. Feeling like a bit of a control freak? Your solar plexus may need some cleansing.
Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the chest and associated with the color of forest green. Our ability to give and receive love, as well as show compassion is dominated by this area.
Throat Chakra, is located at the centre of the throat. It is bright blue in color and is the seat of our ability to openly communicate, assert ourselves and express our emotions.
Third Eye Chakra, located in the centre of the forehead is indigo in color and is the base of our intuition, perceptiveness, psychic abilities and openness to spirituality.
Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. Some sources say that it is purple in color, while others claim that it is white, like virgin snow. The crown chakra is the ultimate seat of our wisdom and our direct connection to God or creator. This chakra generally doesn’t need cleansing as it tends to open up when the lower chakras are cleared.
In my next couple of posts, I’m going to go into more detail about the chakras and share with you some chakra cleansing exercises that have proven to be extremely effective in clearing up emotional baggage.